- 800-356-3209
- info@typetolearn.com
- Support available M-F, 9am-5pm CT
Keyboarding Curriculum for Schools & Districts
With a 30-day free trial and a money-back guarantee, you can try Type to Learn with very little risk.
Student Safety & Data Privacy is Paramount
Student Safety
Unlike some other keyboarding curriculums and typing programs, Type to Learn contains no advertisements of any kind and no links to external websites. Your students will stay safe and focused while using Type to Learn.

Data Privacy
Type to Learn adheres to FERPA and COPPA guidelines for handling and storing student data. The program is hosted with a reliably secure host, Amazon AWS. Feel confident your student data stays secure while using Type to Learn.
Type to Learn
Money Back Guarantee
Sunburst Digital Learning guarantees that students at your school that complete the full Type to Learn program will see an average improvement in their adjusted words-per-minute (AWPM) by at least 50%. If your students’ average adjusted-words-per-minute does not improve by 50%, Sunburst will refund your entire subscription cost for that year. See full details.

Other Districts Using Type to Learn

Ready to see Type to Learn in action?
Let our Customer Success Team show you the basics of Type to Learn, no strings attached.
Guaranteed Student Success or Your Money Back
We’re so confident in Type to Learn’s ability to improve your students’ typing skills, we guarantee it! No other company is putting their money where their mouth is like Type to Learn. If a student completes the full Type to Learn program, we guarantee a 50% improvement in their adjusted words per minute, or you get your money back!
Active Students
Average Speed Increase
Average Accuracy Increase
"[Type to Learn] features robust formative assessment and teacher management options tailoring instruction to the needs of individual students. It also offers optional Spanish language support, translating English menus into Spanish."
Carol HolzbergTech & Learning Reviewer
"I like how it allows me to track student progress. It can also automatically increase difficulty by changing speed and accuracy goals as students learn. And there are a variety of challenges to keep the students engaged."
Type to Learn CustomerNew Jersey
"It is imperative that today's students learn to type; starting this instruction at an early age helps students avoid developing bad habits. Type to Learn... fills a need in this area with exercises that motivate student practice."
Susan H.Educational Consultant
Backed by Research, Built for Education
Research White Paper
Type to Learn is built upon scientific keyboarding research performed by Dr. Leigh Zeitz, a professor and author at the University of Northern Iowa. We believe Type to Learn is the best way for students to learn touch typing.
Scope & Sequence
The scope and sequence of Type to Learn is based on the research outlined in the white paper. We introduce letters in small amounts and require mastery of the current lesson before advancing to learn additional letters.
Standards Alignment
Type to Learn has been directly correlated to keyboarding and technology standards in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia and also aligns with the Common Core State Standards as well as those of the ISTE.
Our Integration Partners Help Make Classroom Management Easy
Type to Learn has partnered with major student data integration companies to provide you the easiest classroom management possible.
Simply register your school with the integration partner and connect your student information system to their service. From there, you can connect all sorts of educational apps to your portal, allowing students to access any of those programs, including Type to Learn. The best part? Students only have to remember one login!
To get started with an integration, please let your Account Manager know.

Coming Soon!
Single Sign On & Rostering
Easy Set Up & Implementation
View Pricing
Pricing starts at $1.50 per student for large-volume districts. Lock in a great rate with multi-year discounts.
Get answers to the most common questions we hear before starting up a Type to Learn subscription.
Request a Quote
Get your free, customized quote, schedule a 30-minute demo of the program, or start your 30-day free trial.
Contact a Keyboarding Specialist Today
Call us at 800-356-3209 to speak with an account manager. Get a customized quote, schedule a demo of Type to Learn, or start your 30-day free trial.