- 800-356-3209
- info@typetolearn.com
- Support available M-F, 9am-5pm CT
Why Choose Type to Learn
Type to Learn: One of the Best K-12 Typing Programs Available
Type to Learn is one of Sunburst Digital Learning’s core educational technology solutions and is available to schools and school districts across the U.S. Sunburst Digital Learning has been creating and providing ed tech solutions to schools for over 30 years, starting with CD-based content and games such as My Mathematical Life and Hot Dog Stand. Our video content morphed into our plug-n-teach solution called Ignite! Learning, which combines interactive video lessons with hundreds of printable worksheets and lesson plans, all aligning to common core and local standards.
As technology became more and more integrated into schools and careers, we developed our typing program, Type to Learn. Over the years, the Type to Learn typing program was developed and iterated upon, culminating with the current cloud-based version we have today.
The original Type to Learn installable keyboarding software was designed and built specifically with schools in mind. Dr. Leigh E. Zeitz, a keyboarding instruction expert and Associate Professor for Instructional Technology, Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Northern Iowa, assisted in the design of the program, basing a lot of the methodology, scope and sequence on his many years of knowledge and expertise. When Sunburst decided to convert the Type to Learn software to an online typing program, we solicited, reviewed and discussed feedback from teachers all across the U.S. that were using Type to Learn. The current cloud-based version of Type to Learn is our best yet.

What Makes Type to Learn Stand Out
Positive Student Outcomes or Your Money Back
We’re so confident in Type to Learn’s ability to improve your student’s typing skills that we’re guaranteeing the results. Sunburst Digital Learning guarantees that students at your school who complete the full Type to Learn program will see an average improvement in their adjusted words-per-minute (AWPM) by at least 50%. If your students’ average AWPM does not improve by 50%, Sunburst will refund your entire subscription cost for that year. Full details here.
Mastery-based structure to learning keyboarding
The scope and sequence of Type to Learn forces a mastery-based approach to learning. Each lesson contains keystroke repetition, while each activity enforces specific skills such as speed or accuracy. A student must pass the lesson and complete the Final Challenge (meeting their defined goals) before they can proceed to the next lesson. This prevents students from speeding through the lessons too fast and requires them to become proficient in the current letters before learning new ones.
A fun, gamified approach to typing lessons
The story behind Type to Learn allows students to reach new and higher levels of typing efficiency as they progress. Starting out as an Agent, the goal is to become a typing Master. If the teacher incorporates rewards based on these levels, the typing lessons can be fun, engaging and even competitive within the class.
All the reporting a teacher needs
It’s important to be able to monitor student progress during their typing lessons, check their results and grade them accordingly. Type to Learn offers three levels of reporting that can give you a high-level overview of completed lessons, a detailed report of all completed lessons, activities and assessments (including keystroke error reports), and an admin report to show total usage across your organization.
Individualized settings for complete control
All Type to Learn settings can be adjusted and applied to whole groups or individuals. The ability to change settings at such a granular level allows teachers to adjust the program to the specific needs of their students, whether advanced or lagging, providing the best possible learning outcome for each individual.
Accessibility settings
Additional accessibility settings, such as font-size control, audio instructions and English-Spanish translated instructions and buttons ensure students with sight or hearing impairments can still succeed in Type to Learn.
Custom content
Our custom content features allows teachers and admins to input customized text for students to type. Upload as much content as you’d like and assign it to groups or individual students. This is a great way to combine other subjects with typing lessons, helping students to learn and retain knowledge in other subject areas while they practice keyboarding.
There are many typing programs on the market today, and rightly so. Typing is such an integral part of our daily lives and almost every job, it’s important that students learn to type at an early age. It’s been proven that starting typing lessons early can help students with comprehension and fine motor skills throughout their schooling. We know it can be hard to make a decision on which typing program is best for your school. Every budget dollar is precious when it comes to the education of our youth. Sunburst Digital stands behind Type to Learn as one of the leading K-12 keyboarding curriculums on the market today. Our typing program has seen increases of over 30% in Accuracy and over 70% in Words per Minute when students complete at least half of the lessons.
Other keyboarding programs may try to sell you bells and whistles and charge you more accordingly. With Type to Learn, you simply get a scientifically researched typing program that has proven results, backed by the amazing support team at Sunburst Digital Learning. We’re here to make implementation easy and provide any ongoing support you may need to get the most out of Type to Learn. With typing being such an important skill for young students to learn, don’t skimp on a typing program with invasive ads, no individualized settings and very few reporting features. Give Type to Learn a try and give your students the typing lessons they need to succeed.
Have Questions?
Call or Email
Call us at 800-356-3209 to speak with a keyboarding specialist or email us directly at info@typetolearn.com.
Read the White Paper
Read more about our methodology, scope and sequence in our research white paper.
Support Portal
Read answers to common technical questions available in our extensive knowledge base.
Type to Learn
Money Back Guarantee
Sunburst Digital Learning guarantees that students at your school that complete the full Type to Learn program will see an average improvement in their adjusted words-per-minute (AWPM) by at least 50%. If your students’ average adjusted-words-per-minute does not improve by 50%, Sunburst will refund your entire subscription cost for that year. See full details.