- 800-356-3209
- info@typetolearn.com
- Support available M-F, 9am-5pm CT
Type to Learn Money Back Guarantee
We don't just talk about student success, we guarantee it.
When it comes to driving student success, many learning solutions companies talk the talk really well. But how many are willing to guarantee it? At Sunburst, we’ve decided to put our money where our mouth is.
For any school or learning organization that adopts Type to Learn, our K-12 cloud-based, adaptive digital keyboarding program, we GUARANTEE that students who complete the full program will improve their adjusted words per minute by at least 50% of their Pre-Test results, or they get their money back*.
That’s how confident we are that we can make a significant impact in improving what’s become a vital foundational skill in our digital world. From test taking to coding to even simply writing, effective keyboarding is at the root of it all. As such, we’re excited to prove to you that we can make a huge difference.
*The fine print:
At least 20% of the total licenses purchased must have completed the full program in order for the account to qualify for the guarantee.
The program must be completed in a single school year (or within your 12 month subscription period) to qualify for the guarantee.
Full program = Pre-Test through Assessment 6, including all Activities and Assessments (does not require Lessons A, B, 33 and 34).
Adjusted WPM = WPM * Accuracy.
How we calculate: We average the initial AWPM (from Pre-Test or Assessment 1) and ending AWPM (from Assessment 6) of all students that completed the full program. Then we see if the amount improved is more or less than 50% of the initial AWPM average.
Guarantee applies to the combined group average of all individual student increases who have completed the full program.
The data included in the calculation will be from any student that fits the above criteria since your last renewal date.

Money back guaranteed applies only to school accounts, not homeschool or parent accounts.

Delivering on the Digital Promise to Education
Sunburst Digital Learning has connected educators with instructional technology and digital content solutions for three decades. Our solutions are found in more than 97% of US school districts.